Africa We Want

DESTINATION & TOURISM: Dates Announced for 2023 WTTC Global Summit in Kigali, .

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the world’s leading authority in the travel and tourism industry, announced that its 23rd annual WTTC Global Summit will take place in Kigali, Rwanda on November 1-3, 2023. By Lacey Pfalz

Mountain gorilla in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park. (photo via iStock/Getty Images Plus/Dennis Stogsdill)

The Global Summit will be available to attend both physically in the Rwandan capital city or virtually through pre-registration. The event is the most important in the industry, bringing together noted names among travel and tourism companies around the world and government representatives to discuss the industry’s recovery from COVID-19 and its biggest challenges going forward.

Rwanda, mountain, jungle, forest, gorilla, Volcanoes National Park.WTTC to Host Next Global Summit in Kigali, Rwanda in 2023
The organization provided a glimpse of the country through a promotional video in collaboration with Visit Rwanda along with the announcement. (see video on the page below)

“We are proud to announce WTTC’s 23rd annual Global Summit will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, marking a historic milestone as the first Global Summit hosted in Africa,” said Julia Simpson, President & CEO of WTTC. “We look forward to bringing together CEO’s with world leaders to discuss the growth in Travel & Tourism in Rwanda. Known for its leadership in conservation, Rwanda is a successful innovative jewel in Africa’s crown.”

Rwanda has had a remarkable story of resilience and positive tourism development, using the industry as a facilitator for conservation efforts of its rainforests and the animals that live within them, such as the gorilla. As the WTTC begins a new phase focusing on a “Nature Positive” approach to tourism, Rwanda is a perfect location to showcase the power of the industry to help save species, ecosystems and important resources.

Author: MANZI


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